FinishLynx Sports Timers Facebook Group
The FinishLynx Sports Timers Facebook group was started in the hopes of giving FinishLynx operators a space to network and share their questions and timing photos. Over the years, it has grown to over 1,400 active members who post regularly. We love seeing the community grow and engage with one another to help solve problems and brag about their timing setups. When you join, be sure to introduce yourself and let others see your best “Office of the Day” photo!
Join the FinishLynx Sports Timers Group Today
Lynx YouTube Channel
The Tech Support team here at Lynx has been working hard over the years to provide FinishLynx operators with helpful video content to aid in system setup and operation. To help find what you’re looking for, click on the ‘Playlists’ tab to see videos broken down into categories. Some of the popular playlists include Video Release Notes, New User FinishLynx Timing System Setup, and Advanced Operation of FinishLynx. Be sure to also subscribe to the Lynx YouTube channel to be notified when new videos are added.
Online Help Manual
This online support tool was created to act as a searchable FinishLynx Operator’s Manual combined with years of software release notes. Support videos have been integrated into the relevant sections for added clarity, and other features include the ability to print a page that’s particularly helpful, search hundreds of informational pages at once for exactly what you’re looking for, and use it across all devices as it’s also mobile-friendly. This resource is updated with each new software release or new features/products.
Benefits of the new online operator’s manual:
- Up-to-Date: It will constantly be updated with the latest release notes, technology, and software information — unlike the current PDF version of the FinishLynx manual which is a few years old at this point.
- Searchable: The key feature of this user manual is that it’s a search engine of sorts for FinishLynx information. You’ll no longer need to look through page after page for the answers you’re trying to find.
- Mobile-Friendly: Have a question during your meet? Pull up the Online Help Manual to quickly find your solution. Use this resource across all of your devices.
Find the Online Help Manual Here
Guides & Support Documents
Product Quick-Start Guides (QSGs) are designed to provide simple, step-by-step directions for setting up your FinishLynx timing system. These setup guides are included with every product and system we ship. But you can also view and download them at any time. The guides vary by sport, competition level, and product – so be sure to select the QSG that best fits your system.
Visit the File Library for a full list of product manuals, release notes, quick-start guides (QSGs), and other support documents that may be useful to FinishLynx operators. You will also find direct download links for various software and firmware applications.
Other Helpful Links
Email & Phone
If you need to reach out to Lynx Technical Support, please send an email to support@finishlynx.com or give us a call at 978-556-9780.