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MYLAPS SideAntennas

The easiest mat in the industry is no mat at all! MYLAPS SideAntennas are perfectly suitable for timing all sorts of active sports like running, cycling, mountain biking and cross-country skiing. The innovative design and strength of BibTag hardware provides you the best read rates in the industry with a single ThinTag and standard Side-Antenna setup. The SideAntenna frame stands low on the ground and the antennas allow you to place your BibTag decoder on the back of the frame making the setup compact and easy to handle.
Sku: 30S038   Category: RFID Chip Timing

The innovative design and strength of BibTag hardware provides you the best read rates in the industry with a single ThinTag and standard SideAntenna setup. The SideAntenna frame stands low on the ground and the antennas allow you to place your BibTag Decoder on the back of the frame making the setup compact and easy to handle.

Lynx MYLAPS Triad Solution

NameFile Size
MYLAPS BibTag System Brochure2 MBDownload
Lynx Triad Cross Country Solution649 KBDownload
Weight: 6.3 kg
Dimensions: 57 x 37.2 x 23.5 cm