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Welcoming New Faces to Lynx

Please join us in welcoming three new members to the Lynx community. Paul and Mackenzie have joined Tech Support and Lauren has joined the marketing team.


Paul Holyoke

Paul Holyoke, Tech Support
Paul Holyoke, Tech Support

Paul Holyoke began using FinishLynx to time meets and sell photos as a freshman at Brewer High School in Maine and has continued to do so ever since. Now he has taken his FinishLynx expertise one step further and is fielding support calls for us here at Lynx. He’s thrilled that he has a chance to work at the place that helped make his track experience so much better. He loves watching meets and believes the finish line is the best seat in the house. He’s ecstatic that his knowledge gained throughout the years timing meets is now being used to answer questions and help customers learn how to use their systems.

Paul says, “I’ve learned from the best, I’m still learning more all the time, and I hope to give that knowledge back to you. Feel free to call support with any questions you have.  I would love to hear from you.”

Fun fact: In high school, Paul had a serious case of the pre-race yawns.  If you are a distance runner, you know what he’s talking about.



Mackenzie Gray

Mackenzie Gray, Tech Support
Mackenzie Gray, Tech Support

Mackenzie Gray comes to Finishlynx with a background in track and field as a USATF official, race director and coach at Minnechaug Regional HS.  He has worked for years timing road races, cross country meets, and track meets at every level from youth to international competition.

In May 2015, Mackenzie graduated from Springfield College with a master’s degree in sport management.  He also completed his undergrad at Springfield in exercise sciences.

Fun Fact: When not at the office, Mackenzie can be found running the streets of Newburyport or trying new recipes in the kitchen.  He claims to be undefeated at Kan-Jam and an excellent parallel parker, but neither have been verified at Lynx headquarters.


Lauren Greenwood

Lauren Greenwood
Lauren Greenwood, Marketing Coordinator

Lauren Greenwood joined Lynx this past July after spending 10 months living abroad in Dublin, Ireland. She graduated from Endicott College in May 2014 with a Bachelors Degree in Business Marketing. Lauren has been welcomed into the marketing department at Lynx and already enjoys contributing to writing blog posts and constantly learning more about the timing systems each day.

Fun Fact: Lauren’s favorite hobby is traveling, both locally and internationally, but is currently in search of an additional, more affordable, hobby.





12 Signs You’re a Seasoned Race Timer

There are countless posts on the web about what it’s like to run track or cross country, but none about the important people behind the scenes: Race Timers. So we’ve come up with our own list of what it’s like to be a FinishLynx race timer. Enjoy!

1. You show up to meets hours before they’re scheduled to start.

Because you know how long it takes to properly set up and organize your equipment. Anyone can align a camera on the finish line – but you want it aligned perfectly. You know organization is key to ensuring a day of smooth races. Cords need to get bundled and camera connections need to be tested so you’re ready for the crowds to accidentally run into them.

FinishLynx training group camera
Training attendees setup their cameras.

2. You use social media mainly to discuss your races, camera setups, and the terrible weather you sat through all day.

It’s always interesting to see what race timers from all over the world are experiencing. Some battle blizzards while others are stuck in heat waves or torrential downpours. This is also where some product-envy may come into play. Timers love showing off their latest and greatest equipment—whether it’s a new wind gauge or an upgraded Vision camera. Let’s face it, when new equipment arrives, it does feel a bit like Christmas morning.JDL Tweet

3. You have witnessed every form of pre-race ritual…and may have even developed one of your own.

Who says rubbing your Lynx camera before the meets won’t bring a smooth day of timing? Just because it’s not in the quick-start guide, doesn’t mean it won’t work.


6 Most Popular FinishLynx Upgrades and Add-Ons

This past week we reached out to the FinishLynx community to ask which upgrades and add-ons they simply cannot live without. We received some great feedback and created a list of the top six. Most were picked by FinishLynx timers and we threw in a couple of our favorites as well.

1. Automatic Capture Mode (ACM) Plug-In

Key Highlights

  • Automatically captures and records all finish line activity
  • Instantly broadcasts an unofficial finish time to any compatible display at the venue

Why We Love It

It became clear that ACM is the most popular plug-in when almost every person that responded to our survey answered with Automatic Capture. ACM simplifies the timing process and removes the stress of having to hold down a capture button. You can also adjust the ACM parameters to change the capture region, threshold, sensitivity, and more. ACM lets you save disk space and add peace of mind at your races.

What Our Users Are Saying

“ACM because it works well and allows the job of our camera operator to be easier and less risky of losing a finish.”  – Carey H.

“I love, love, love, LOVE the Auto Capture of FinishLynx. Makes my timing a breeze.”  – Peter U.

Learn More About ACM

2. RadioLynx Wireless Start

Key Highlights

RadioLynx wireless start
  • Transmits the start signal signal with an accuracy greater than ±0.4 thousandths of a second
  • Replaces the 500′ start cable

Why We Love It

Without the need for a long cable, Starters are able to move freely about the venue. Additionally, the transmitter is approximately the size of a deck of cards making it easily portable from race to race.

What Our Users Are Saying

“RadioLynx is awesome because it would be a huge pain to run the cord all over the place at a meet and makes it very easy on the starter.”  – Carey H.

“Favorite at many tracks is the [RadioLynx] wireless start, as it speeds up transition between start points and saves rolling up 500 ft of cable at the end of the day.”  – John C.

Learn More About RadioLynx

3. EtherLynx Vision Camera

Key Highlights

  • Full-color images and EasyAlign 2-D Video Alignment Mode
  • Captures 1,000 fps or 2,000 fps with high-resolution upgrade
  • Optional upgrades include LuxBoost low-light capture, internal battery, and more

Vision Feature: EasyAlign Video Alignment

EasyAlign Video Alignment Mode makes it easier than ever to align your camera on the finish line. Click the 2-D alignment button inside FinishLynx and you will see a live, 2-D video of your finish line with two guide lines. There’s no more need for the Thru-the-Lens Viewer or tedious 1-D alignment. Simply adjust the camera’s pan/tilt/swivel and ensure the green line is aligned with the finish line. Then switch back to 1-D mode and you’re ready to capture.

EasyAlign Video Alignment Demo Gif

LuxBoost Low-Light Amplification SampleVision Upgrade: LuxBoost

An option available for the EtherLynx Vision camera, LuxBoost increases the amount of natural light accessed by the camera’s image sensor, creating brighter images during evening races that would normally have inadequate lighting.

Why We Love It

The Vision Camera is quickly becoming the most popular generation of EtherLynx camera we have introduced thanks to its ease-of-use and number of customizable features. We have always offered trade-ins on older FinishLynx cameras towards the purchase of new camera technology. We have taken a large number of trade-ins to date and expect more to follow. Interested? Contact us today.

What Our Users Are Saying

Best decision I ever made was to upgrade to a Vision camera. The Vision produces the nicest images I’ve ever captured and combined with the ease of the remote zoom lens, I’m able to set my camera up in a fraction of the time.”  – Aaron F. 

Learn More About the Vision Camera

4. IdentiLynx Video Integration

Key Highlights

  • Captures full-frame head-on video from the finish line
  • Video integrates seamlessly into FinishLynx technology
  • Makes it easy to identify bib numbers during crowded finishes

Why We Love it

IdentiLynx video is great for easily identifying athletes as they cross the finish line either by bib numbers or team affiliation. IdentiLynx can also be used with the ACM plug-in allowing for automated capturing as athletes cross the finish line.

What Our Users Are Saying

“Wouldn’t do a track or XC meet without it. It’s saved more races than one can count, especially when runners block out the others and/or there was a question regarding team or team members. Worth every bit of the pennies spent for it.”  – Trey J.

IdentiLynx video integration in FinishLynx
IdentiLynx video integration in FinishLynx

Learn More About IdentiLynx

5. Remote Camera Lens & Remote Positioner

Remote Camera Positioner

Key Highlights

  • Users can auto-align, tilt, pan and swivel with the Remote Positioner
  • Using the Remote Lens, users can adjust the iris, focus and zoom

Why We Love It

Using a Remote Positioner, the camera can be adjusted and aligned all with the click of a couple of buttons on the laptop within the FinishLynx software and is compatible with all EtherLynx cameras. This becomes especially useful when adjusting cameras that are up and out of reach. Combine the Remote Lens and Remote Positioner with the new EasyAlign video mode and the camera setup process becomes a breeze.

Learn More About the Remote Positioner

6. RFID Chip Timing Integration

Key Highlights

  • Integrates seamlessly with FinishLynx hardware and software
  • Chip reads automatically overlaid on FinishLynx capture images
  • Chips are durable and waterproof
  • High-speed read rates of 120 tags/second

Why We Love It

MYLAPS RFID timing is the perfect solution for cross country and other long-distance races that have many competitors. The RFID timing can be combined with an EtherLynx FAT camera and IdentiLynx with the XC Triad which provides the ultimate timing solution to ensure fast and accurate results at a chaotic finish line.

How many of your favorites made the list? Thank you to all who sent in answers to us!

Request A Quote Now

FinishLynx Timer Spotlight: Fulton Accurate Timing

We recently spoke with Tim Fulton of Fulton Accurate Timing as a kickoff to our on-going Timer Spotlight series. Our goal for this series is to highlight some of our top service providers and find out who they are, what they do, and how they use FinishLynx technology.


Company: Fulton Accurate Timing

Name: Tim Fulton, Owner

Location: New York, USA

# of events timed: 125+/year

Types of events timed: Track & Field, Cross Country, Road Races


Can you briefly tell us about Fulton Accurate Timing?

I saw a need for track and field and XC timing in the Hudson Valley area of NY as most timers were traveling from far away to time the meets.  We focus on HS and college track and field and now have about 75 events after being in business for just 2 years.


What’s one thing about your company that makes it unique?

I think my experience in so many areas of the sport really helps. I’ve run track for years, have run marathons and some ultras, coached HS for 15 years, coached college for 2 years, been a meet director of youth events and huge HS events, and worked with pros on NYRR The Millrose Games.  I’ve been an official, track writer, and track photographer.  I think understanding how all of these roles fit together helps me understand how to meet the needs of my clients.


New World Record at the 2015 Junior Track Cycling Championships

velodrome cycling world record photo-finish
New WR captured with an EtherLynx Vision camera. Courtesy of Phoenix Sports technology.

Athens, Greece – The 2015 UEC Junior Track Cycling Championships hosted some of Europe’s best young talent in velodrome cycling. The competition was held in Athens from July 14th to 19th. It was timed with high-speed FinishLynx cameras, and the timing team from Phoenix Sports Technology was fortunate enough to capture a new World Record at this year’s event.

The women from team Italy took the gold medal in the Women’s Junior Team Pursuit Qualifying Round with a time of 4:33.463 and average speed of 52.658 km/h over 4,000 meters. Their time was good enough to beat the teams from Poland and France by over 5 seconds and edge out the previous World Record by more two and half seconds—an impressive feat at any level of competition.

This photo-finish capture is especially notable because it’s the first new WR captured by the EtherLynx Vision camera. The Vision was released in late 2014 is quickly becoming a race director favorite because of its versatility and ease-of-use at the finish line.

Congrats to the timers and thanks to Phoenix Sports Technology‘s chief timekeeper Humberto Uribe for passing along the FinishLynx screen capture. Want to learn more about this year’s Junior Track Cycling Championships? You can see the full event results here. Hopefully this is the first of many new records captured by the Vision camera.

Women's Junior Team Pursuit WR
Track cycling results screenshot courtesy of Phoenix Sports Technology and

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Join the Lynx Team – Now Hiring for Tech Support & Marketing Roles

May 21, 2015 – It’s been a busy few months here at the Lynx headquarters in Haverhill, MA. We released the new EtherLynx Vision camera in late 2014 and have updated all our timing packages (and support docs) to include this new technology. We’re also offering US customers a special Vision camera trade-in program as part of the 2015 Summer Promotion. The response so far has been overwhelming, and we’re excited to equip more timers with EasyAlign and the other great features found on the Vision camera.

The FinishLynx user-base has also seen tremendous growth over the past year, both in the US and abroad. It’s exciting to see new customers, timing companies, and partners popping-up across the globe. This growth not only makes the Lynx community stronger and more diverse, but also allows us to add features and develop new products we think you’ll love. In order to sustain this pace, we need to hire some more great people to join our team. Want to help us support, develop, or promote FinishLynx technology? Perfect. Then check out our latest job postings below.

Don’t quite fit the qualifications but think you can help us some other way? Head over to our Careers page to send us your resume and cover letter with more details about what you can offer. We’d love to hear from you.


Technical Support

Sales & Marketing

Say Hello to TaserLynx – The High-Voltage FinishLynx Security Add-On

TaserLynx April Fools
Protect your system with TaserLynx

April 1, 2015 — FinishLynx timing systems are a big investment, no matter what size organization you are. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small high school track program or a large cycling federation. Some customers spend years building up their systems, adding new cameras, software plugins, and upgrades every season. So it makes sense that you’ll want to do everything you can to protect your investment. That’s why we’re introducing TaserLynx, a high-voltage security add-on for FinishLynx.

TaserLynx is a remote-activated electric taser add-on that integrates with your FinishLynx hardware for seamless anti-theft (and anti-spectator) features. When armed, TaserLynx will deliver a 50,000 volt shock to immobilize any unwanted visitors who approach the timing hardware. The active shock range threshold can be configured directly inside the FinishLynx software using the free TaserLynx plugin.

TaserLynx sensors can be added to cameras, tripods, scoreboards, and other other timing equipment within a 100 meter radius. The TaserLynx units can draw power directly from your camera, AC power, Power-over-Ethernet, a computer serial port, or a compatible wind/geothermal source. No need to worry about the science behind it. Each TaserLynx unit also includes a powerful lithium battery for over a year of passive arming. That means your FinishLynx technology will be protected, even when it’s stored away for the winter.

TaserLynx Tesla-Coil Upgrade

After the success of last year’s NerfLynx upgrade, we decided to enhance our finish line security even further. For just $99 you can upgrade your TaserLynx to Tesla-Coil mode. Tesla-Coil mode transforms your TaserLynx from a passive security device to an active one — allowing you to use a capture button to shock unwanted intruders up to 50 yards away from your primary camera. Keep spectators, athletes, parents, and administrators in check by adding TaserLynx Tesla-Coil mode today. It’s a safe and effective way to protect your photo-finish system in the field.

TaserLynx Tesla Coil April Fools



April Fools! Please re-share on social media if you’d enjoyed it :)

Introducing ResulTV 6.0 Display Software with Custom Colors and Animated .GIFs

ResulTV 6.0 Live Results Display & Broadcast Software

ResulTV 6.0 timing display and broadcast software with gif support
ResulTV 6.0 adds new templates, custom colors, & animated .GIF support 

ResulTV is a Windows-based results display program that allows timers to stream and broadcast live event data to compatible displays and video feeds. ResulTV integrates with FinishLynx timing systems to display dynamic results data to video scoreboards connected to the network. ResulTV 6.0 is the first major update since the release of ResulTV 5.11 in March 2013. Version 6.0 has several new features including:

  • Support for animated .GIFs (like custom flags and logos)
  • Support for custom colors (RGB values) for the font, border, shadow, and backgrounds
  • Choose from new results templates
  • New speed setting inside the Bitmap dialog
  • Adjust the location of the Lynx logo
  • New hidden setting for debugging output
  • See the Release Notes for full details and comments

The latest version of ResulTV can be downloaded on the ResulTV product product page. Existing ResulTV customers can upgrade for free using their serial number. We’ve also included a large package of animated flag gifs for use with this latest version of the software. The animated flags installer (ResulTV-Flags.exe) is 337 MB includes international and US state flags in various sizes. But 6.0 also supports custom gifs provided by the user.

Visit the ResulTV Product Page Now.

If you’re interested in purchasing ResulTV, please contact us now to request a quote.


Rare Photo-Finish Captures Triple Dead Heat in Horse Racing

Bangkok, Thailand – On Sunday, January 18th the timers at the Royal Bangkok Sports Club (RBSC) in Thailand captured a rare moment in horse racing history. Three horses finished in a triple dead heat photo-finish for 2nd place. The rare triple dead heat took place during the popular Sunday races and was captured with an EtherLynx Fusion camera at 1,800 frames per second.

According to the official RBSC results, horse #9 took first place in the 1200 meter race with a time of 1:12.84 while horses 5, 7, & 13 tied in a dead heat for second place. All three horses were officially evaluated by the judges at finish time of 1:13.33. Does that mean all three horses split the 2nd place purse, you might wonder? Not exactly. In this case, the three horses actually split the combined winnings for positions 2, 3, and 4. So at least there’s a little more money to go around.

While photo-finishes are common at horse tracks, this triple dead heat is exceptionally rare. In fact, only a few triple dead heats have ever been recorded.  This is the first triple dead heat recorded by the RBSC in the club’s 112-year history of horse racing. And one article claims there have been just 6 triple dead heats recorded since 1990. This finish at the Royal Bangkok Turf Club would perhaps be the seventh. Fortunately, FinishLynx timing cameras provide judges with indisputable, time-stamped photo-finish images accurate to at least 1/1000th of a second.

For more information on FinishLynx timing systems for horse racing, visit our thoroughbred and greyhound packages.

Triple Dead Heat horse racing photo finish
Triple Dead Heat Photo-Finish Image. Captured by the Royal Bangkok Sports Club.



Announcing the EtherLynx Vision Camera with EasyAlign Mode

Bronze Package with EtherLynx Vision Camera
Vision Bronze Package

October 1, 2014 — Lynx System Developers is proud to announce the official US release of the new EtherLynx Vision photo-finish camera. The 5L500 is the latest in a long line of EtherLynx  cameras and represents the next generation of sports timing technology. The new camera brings with it a number of exciting new features and upgrade options that will help make FinishLynx more accessible and versatile for novice users.

The Vision comes standard with full-color image captures, power-over-Ethernet, and the new EasyAlign full frame video alignment mode. It also includes upgrade options like LuxBoost low-light amplification, high-resolution captures (2,000 fps), an internal battery pack, and more.

As of October 1st, The camera will immediately be integrated into the US high school track & field packages. Along with the release of the new camera, we will also be offering a generous camera trade-in program so users can upgrade an older EtherLynx camera for the new Vision. For more details about the Vision, including feature demos and document downloads, visit the official page at: