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ForceLynx Ultimate Camera Barrier Upgrade

April 1, 2019 – Many will remember the releases of both the NerfLynx Finish Line Defense Mode (2014) and the TaserLynx High-Voltage Security add-on (2015). Each of these products (while effective) offer a form of camera protection that, in this day and age, could leave timers and camera operators liable for personal injury. While the thought of shocking pesky wandering parents or pelting rogue athletes with foam darts excited many Lynx users, we are now introducing a more humane solution to the on-going problem – ForceLynx.

April Fools - ForceLynx 2019

The ForceLynx Ultimate Camera Barrier is the latest in Lynx innovation striving to protect timing equipment from any form of interference by simply creating a ‘bubble’ around the area. People, pets, or flying objects will gently be bounced in another direction when in contact with the shield. The ForceLynx is currently compatible with all Lynx cameras, including the IdentiLynx full-frame cameras, which tend to be the most susceptible to getting knocked over by overzealous athletes. With an adjustable perimeter, the area of protection around each camera can be changed in accordance with setup conditions and restraints.

The ForceLynx shield does not interfere with Automatic Capture mode and all testing to date has not revealed any noticeable distortion of race images due to the added layer of protection. We hope to expand this excellent feature into a line of timing tents in the unforeseen future. Protect your equipment and yourselves by upgrading your cameras to include ForceLynx today!

April Fools! Thanks for your continued support and sense of humor! 

Be sure to SHARE if you enjoyed it.

FinishLynx Version 10.11 & Remote Control Plug-In

March 2019 – Version 10.11 of the FinishLynx photo-finish timing software is now available to download, and we encourage all Lynx timers to update their software immediately. FinishLynx 10.11 was developed to now include the Remote Control Plug-In at no additional charge.

Many FinishLynx operators may not be familiar with the Remote Control Plug-In. Originally the plug-in was developed primarily for use with high-speed sports where the FinishLynx image size is extremely large. Thanks to and AthleticLIVE Image Export, there is now functionality for the plug-in which allows timers to export individual athlete race photos to a scoreboard or display in real-time as they finish.

It’s not new to share photo-finish images, as pointed out….we have done the manual method for years. The exciting part is the automation of doing it in real-time without the timer doing anything, and for each individual athlete to get their own.

-Dan Bowdoin,

Using the Remote Control Plug-In with the image export is a game-changer for use at any size meet. It has been used at high school dual meets and 10-team college meets, as well as at the New Balance Nationals Indoor meet. What about those who are looking to export IdentiLynx image? Not a problem! IdentiLynx captures can also be incorporated into the export, as seen below.

IdentiLynx Capture

One of the core beliefs at Lynx is to provide unparalleled support to the FinishLynx community in every aspect. In addition to tutorial videos, quick start guides, and technical support just a call or email away, we also always have, and always will offer free software updates. And the software updates are backwards-compatible across all generations of Lynx camera, so no customer gets left behind.

Additional Resources & Videos

Lynx Year-End Review – 2018 Milestones

As 2018 comes to a close, it’s good to reflect on the year and look forward to what’s next to come. This year at Lynx, there was a continued focus on adding quality and robust support materials across many mediums – from quick start guides to tutorial videos. Read about our past year below and we wish you a very happy new year. 

Lynx Symposium Registration

03/2018 | Lynx International Conference (Orlando, FL) — Members of the Lynx team headed down south to Orlando, Florida to host the 2018 International Resellers Symposium at the Coronado Springs Resort. We hosted Lynx partners and resellers from many countries all over the world who all came together to learn new skills and network with fellow operators. We had an impressive turnout with 60+ attendees from 29 partner countries around the world. See more pictures

06/2018 | Lynx RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) Portal — Lynx has been testing a new RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) portal to streamline our hardware return, repair, and upgrade process. As of June 2018, the RMA portal is live and ready to use. You can now submit repair requests and track your hardware status online. Have you used the RMA portal yet? View the features and quick-start guide here: Read More

Barranquilla Games 2018

07/2018 | Barranquilla Games (Barranquilla, Columbia) — Flash Results and two Lynx technical support members traveled to Barranquilla, Columbia for the Central American and Caribbean Games. Head to our Facebook page to see more pictures form the event.

09/2018 | Lynx Company Retreat — Lynx employees and their families visited Migis Lodge on Sebago Lake in the beautiful state of Maine for a long weekend together on the lake. Everyone enjoyed delicious meals, a wide range of outdoor activities, and some quality time together. Another great company outing in the books!

12/2018 | National Athletic Directors Conference (San Antonio, TX)  Each year, two members of the Lynx team travel to the National Athletic Directors Conference. This year, we joined thousands of other exhibitors and Athletic Directors in San Antonio, TX. Attendees were able to stop by our booth to ask questions, learn more about Lynx, or just say hello. Next year’s conference will be held in National Harbor, Maryland. We hope to see you there!

12/2018 | Lynx Holiday Luncheon — The Lynx holiday luncheon had a particular focus on team-building this year as we solved puzzles to work our ways out of escape rooms at Escapology in Tewksbury, MA. After working our way through the various rooms, we enjoyed a delicious lunch together. 

2018 Technical Support Overview

Released FinishLynx 10.10 — A new FinishLynx software version was released on 10/16/2018. Is your software up to date? The main features of the latest version include:

  • Vision-Series Camera Firmware
  • Internal RadioLynx
  • Camera Network Selection
  • Video Display Module
  • Additional Scoreboard Scripts
  • Advanced Other Settings

Download 10.10 here

Group Training — In addition to providing excellent phone and email assistance to Lynx operators, our technical support team is sometimes booked to give training sessions for new users. This past year, our tech guys traveled to Oklahoma twice, Texas twice, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama to work hands-on ensuring users have the best possible understanding of the Lynx line of products and software. Think group training would be beneficial to your program? Fill out a form to learn more.

Support Videos — This year, the Lynx team created and added 8 new tutorial videos to our YouTube Channel as well as on our Support Videos page. Have a suggestion for a new software tutorial or hardware setup video? Let us know!

Social Media By the Numbers — We’re always trying to expand our network of FinishLynx users online and social media is a great place to connect with everyone. As of 2018, we currently have 2,300+ Twitter followers and 1,900+ Facebook page likes. In 2017, we started the FinishLynx Sports Timers Group on Facebook as a resource for timers and operators to connect and share insights. The group has now grown to 684 members with 194 posts and 1,492 comments on those posts. Very impressive! 

Looking Forward

Another year has passed with many exciting changes and forward progress at Lynx. In the coming year, we look forward to producing even more support videos and blog posts. In November 2019, we will be attending the always enjoyed FSB Cologne trade show in Germany where we can connect with international partners and friends. As always, we encourage you to reach out with any questions or suggestions and we thank you for another excellent year. 

Connect with us on Social Media

FacebookLynx Facebook Page

TwitterLynx Twitter Feed

InstagramLynx on Instagram

YouTubeLynx YouTube Channel

2018-19 Lynx Winter Holiday Schedule

Haverhill, MA – A quick note to the FinishLynx community that our Headquarters will be closed for an extended winter break during the 2018-19 holiday season for the chance to spend extra time with family and friends. Our Haverhill office will close on Friday, December 21st at the end of the work day. The office will reopen at 9:00 AM (Eastern Standard Time) on Wednesday, January 2nd.

This year, the employees of Lynx will be celebrating our holiday party on Wednesday, December 19th. We’ll be heading to Escapology in Tewksbury, MA to test our teamwork by solving puzzles to escape different rooms before time runs out. Once we’ve all made it out successfully, we’ll celebrate with a team lunch. 

Limited technical support may be available by calling the office and following the prompts to leave a message: (978) 556-9780. You can also submit a tech support web form and may receive a response via email.

2018-19 Holiday Schedule

Close: Friday, December 21st at 5:00 PM (EST)
Re-Open: Wednesday, January 2nd at 9:00 AM (EST)


From everyone here at Lynx, we wish you and your family a very happy holiday and wonderful new year!

Lynx Holiday Image

Try These FinishLynx LapTime Settings To Improve Your Cross Country Results

Cross-country season is upon us and experienced timers always find ways to improve their operations. Here are some tips that may save a few clicks or speed up the results generation process. Are there any other tips worth sharing?

Line Labels

When using the combination of an EtherLynx camera, an IdentiLynx camera and a LapTime device, try activating Line Labels to help with the verification of results. This can make it easier to quickly scroll through the image and confirm all chips have been received and that the order is correct.

Find detailed instructions in our Online Manual – Overlay Section.

Overlay Line Labels in FinishLynx

FillInTime – Advanced Settings

By default, the Time field will only populate when the photo-finish image is evaluated, if using a camera and a LapTime device. It is possible to configure FinishLynx so that the cumulative time from a LapTime device is used to populate the Time field when the number of laps changes from 1 to 0 by changing FillInTime to Always (instead of only when Hardware is set to None).

To set the FillInTime to Always:

  1. Hold CTRL+SHIFT and click File | Options…
  2. Expand LapTime.
  3. Select FillInTime.
  4. Set the value to 2.

TotalLaps – Advanced Settings

When using a LapTime device, it is important to set the number of laps in the Event window before any LapTime data is received, especially if the FillinTime feature is being used. By default, the total number of laps is set to 0, but this can be modified so that a new event is created with a specific number of laps to go.

To set the default value for Laps to go:

  1. Hold CTRL+SHIFT and click File | Options…
  2. Expand LapTime.
  3. Select TotalLaps.
  4. Enter the number of laps for the next race.

*For races where the LapTime device is used for the finish only, set the value to 1.

TrackSelection – Advanced Settings

FinishLynx will track the selected result line in the Result Zone whenever it moves in the list. This is convenient when evaluating the finish, since the most recently evaluated result is selected and easy to find.

However, if you scroll the Results Zone data to the end to see if all athletes have crossed the latest split point during a multi-split race, it will always jump back to show the currently selected line whenever new data is received.

To avoid this, turn off the TrackSelection feature:

  1. Hold Ctrl–Shift and click File | Options…
  2. Expand Event.
  3. Expand Results.
  4. Select TrackSelection.
  5. Set the value to 0.

Max results on scoreboard

Do you want your scoreboard or LED display to only scroll through the top 30 places for a race, instead of all 300 participants? You can easily set a max value of results to page through in the Scoreboard Options.

To limit the paging to a maximum number of finishers:

  1. Click Scoreboard | Options…
  2. Select the correct scoreboard object.
  3. Enter the desired value for Max (Results: section).

FinishLynx scoreboard options max results

IdentiLynx Buffer

Refer to this previous blog post to learn how to increase the IdentiLynx buffer to avoid dropped frames. Note that the next version of FinishLynx will set the default value for CacheSize to 100MB.

Map Files

When the transponder ID does not match the results key (ie. the bib number), a map file is required to link the transponders to athletes. A map file is a simple text file that includes each athlete’s bib number and transponder ID, separated by a comma. A sample map file called LapTimeMap.txt is also saved to C:\Lynx folder when FinishLynx is installed.

There are multiple ways to create a map file. It can be done by hand in Notepad or Excel. It can also be done by scanning transponders in order and using the corresponding *.lif as demonstrated in this video tutorial (this video is specific to IPICO, but the same principle can apply to all systems). Different third-party systems may also have their own way to create it.

Tip: Consider getting a short range antenna compatible with your laptime system, such as the IPICO Registration Reader or Impinj Mini-Guardrail Indoor Antenna, to simplify this process. For UHF systems, it may be worth investing in a printer to encode the tags yourself and avoid using a map file all together.

Add the FinishLynx XC Triad

Combine the power of FinishLynx photo-finish, RFID chips, and IdentiLynx video for a complete Cross Country meet timing system. Learn more about the XC Timing Triad here

Here’s Why You Need an IdentiLynx Video Camera this Season

You’ve got your fully automatic timing system. You can set it up, time races, and capture accurate results down to the millisecond. 

IdentiLynx PLUS series plexiglass cover

So, what’s next? Maybe you want to expand your timing services to include new race formats (i.e. road races, XC, marathons), or add a new capture angle to your finish line. The IdentiLynx+ and IdentiLynx XR+ full-frame video cameras can do just that. In fact in past polls, FinishLynx operators rated the IdentiLynx full-frame video as one of the top upgrades to add to their timing systems. Take a look at the features listed below to see how an IdentiLynx video camera can add tremendous value to your repertoire. 

IdentiLynx Basic Features & Benefits

  • Finish line video camera that runs on Power-over-Ethernet
  • Remote controlled zoom/focus/iris
  • Time-sync with chips & photo-finish images inside the software
  • Save, share, and export video files for the web
  • Capture the finish line from multiple angles (head-on, above, left/right of finish)
  • See obscured hip numbers and competitor views
  • Evaluate video feed in real-time while the race is still happening
  • Have peace of mind with a backup for your chip system (missed chips can happen!)
  • Run IdentiLynx video as a stand-alone or in conjunction with your photo-finish and/or chip timing system
  • There are many advantages to using an IdentiLynx video camera over a basic video camera such as a security camera. When an IdentiLynx camera is used in conjunction with FinishLynx, each video is time-synced with the photo-finish image and the chip times.
    • The Automatic Capture plug-in can be activated within the IdentiLynx cameras.
    • The IdentiLynx cameras are the only video cameras that natively integrate with FinishLynx.
    • Once athletes are captured, control everything within the FinishLynx software. Click on the photo-finish image, the video will jump to the same location and vice versa (see below).
IdentiLynx & FinishLynx Evaluation

Get More Info Now

IdentiLynx+ & XR+ Features and Comparison

This past year, Lynx released two new IdentiLynx camera models that have phased out the older versions. Each of these new models offer superior quality and make a perfect addition to your current timing setup. The feature that truly makes the new IdentiLynx cameras shine is the addition of remote lens control. Gone are the days of needing to adjust the focus, iris, and zoom manually; now, just the click of a few buttons within the FinishLynx software will take care of that.  

  • Standard 720p vs Variable quality/frame rates
  • Remote lens control – Control and adjust the zoom and focus from within FinishLynx (vs old models)
  • Two prices points offered
  • Hard plastic housing protects lens in case the camera tips over…or is tackled by an athlete :) 
Camera ModelIdentiLynx+IdentiLynx XR+
Max Resolution1280 x 720 (30 fps) 2592 x 1944 (15 fps)
Max Frame Rate30 fps (1280 x 720) 30 fps (1920 x 1080)
IdentiLynx Camera Overview
IdentiLynx Setup and Overview

Cross Country/Triad

Anyone who has timed a large race can tell you that the finish line can (and will) become over-crowded with finishers. While chips alone are considered accurate, it’s not uncommon to have missed chip reads, runners wearing wrong tags, or incorrect finish orders during tight races (which is a nightmare for team scoring). In these instances, it’s essential to have a visual backup to certify the correct finish order and times of each athlete. Having head-on video proof of the finish line can be used to read bib numbers or identify athletes based on uniform or school colors. Combine photo-finish, video and RFID into a single interface to have the best possible timing solution for every race.  Read more about Cross Country and Chip Integration


[I] am providing the timing for a medium-sized college invitational in a few weeks. Used the IdentiLynx last year and saved the race after a person dropped the stringer with the tear off tags and they went everywhere. IdentiLynx was the only thing that saved it and it was rather fast to use to get the chest bib numbers of all finishers. The IdentiLynx camera is definitely worth its expense. Just ask the coaches.

– Trey Jackson

We at Ford Timing LOVE our new IdentiLynx – Don’t know how we’ve survived without it all these years!

– A. Ford

A chip timing system without cameras is like an electronic voting machine that doesn’t produce a paper receipt; you can still wonder whether the recorded result matches what actually occurred. But it is pretty hard to refute a photo record of every rider on every lap.

– Lennard Zinn, Velo News

First XC event using the “Triad”. Used bib tags and had ZERO misses. Even got the close finishers in the correct order. Amazing that as soon as the last runner crosses the finish line, we’re DONE! Well done on the integration.

– R. Berryman

IdentiLynx: For More Than Just XC

Birkebeinerrennet Nordic Skiing FinishLynx Image
USSA XC Skiing Championship
Sample MotoX IndentiLynx
Motorcycle Photo-Finish & IdentiLynx Capture

2018 International Partner and Reseller Symposium

Orlando, Florida – Last week, members of the Lynx team traveled south to Orlando, Florida to host the 2018 International Resellers Symposium at the Coronado Springs Resort. We had the chance to invite Lynx partners and resellers from all over the world to come together to learn new skills and network with fellow operators. We had an impressive turnout with 60+ attendees from 29 partner countries around the world. 

Symposium Overview

Lynx Symposium 2018Over two very packed days, attendees listened to presentations by Lynx employees and partners including a range of topics like FinishLynx Technology & Taking Better Photos, Tips for Planning a Local Training Seminar, Falcon Racing, and many more. Along with the presentations, guests were also given the opportunity to test out the latest Lynx products hands-on. Some of the fan-favorites included the Vision PRO Camera, LED Scoreboard, and the IdentiLynx XR+ Video Camera.

While the main focus of the conference was to learn, the secondary goal was to build and create new relationships. It’s not too often people from 29 countries get to mingle in the same room; so when that does happen, we want to take full advantage of it. New friendships and connections were made while existing ones were strengthened. 

Lynx Symposium Welcome Dinner

Other Highlights

Aside from listening to lectures and networking with colleagues, guests attended a nice outdoor Welcome Dinner held on one of the patios of the resort. Here, initial introductions were made while enjoying a variety of foods. At the completion of the symposium, the group boarded the coach buses and traveled to Epcot for the Farewell Dinner and fireworks display. All-in-all, we hope that everyone found a good balance of work and fun. It was a fast-paced couple of days, and we look forward to what’s in store for next time.

We’d like to give a special thanks to our guest presenters who took the time to deliver presentations for this conference. You can find the videos on our YouTube channel.

Head to our Lynx Facebook page to see the full collection of pictures from the Symposium.

Lynx Registration


Lynx Considers Logo Change After Successful Disney Symposium

April 1, 2018 – Orlando, Florida

2018 Lynx International Partner Symposium
2018 International Partner Symposium

Lynx resellers from around the world descended on Disney World this past week for the 2018 Lynx International Partner Symposium. We were honored to have 60+ partners from 26 countries join us for two days of Lynx-inspired presentations dedicated to timing, selling, and expanding FinishLynx products outside the US.

The event just concluded, so we’re still waiting to collect photos, videos, and marketing materials from the event. But in the meantime, it’s clear that the symposium, held at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, had a very strong impact on employees and partners alike. As a result, Lynx will be looking to update its logo to make the brand more international, recognizable, and user-friendly.

Lynx Symposium Registration
Lynx Symposium Registration

Special thanks to everyone who made the trip to join us down in Florida. It was a pleasure to spend time with you and your families.

To rest of the Lynx community, please review a few of the possible logo updates and let us know your favorite. We are also open to other suggestions you may have. We will be announcing our final decision in the coming weeks :)



Possible Logo Redesign Ideas

Duck-inspired logo


Lynx Mickey
Mouse-inspired logo


Lynx Lion King
Lion-inspired logo




April Fools! Please share with other members of the Lynx community.


Prevent Dropped IdentiLynx Frames with Increased Buffer Size & Other Tips

The value of an IdentiLynx full-frame video camera for identifying participants in a race is indisputable. But finding out that the few seconds of critical image is missing can be extremely frustrating. In this blog post, we try to understand what can lead to lost frames from an IdentiLynx camera and explore some possible solutions in the FinishLynx software. 


Low Network Throughput

Ethernet cables and network switches have an impact on the amount of data moved from the IdentiLynx camera to the FinishLynx software. To transfer high resolution images at a high frame rate, shielded cat6 cables and a gigabit switch will improve the performance.

Slow Disk Speed

FinishLynx writes image data to the hard disk in real-time. Again, to transfer high resolution images at a high frame rate, a fast hard disk such as a 7200 rpm hard drive, or even better, a solid-state drive (SSD) will also improve performance. Alternatively, increasing the IdentiLynx buffer size (continue reading below) will also help reduce the risk of lost frames.

FinishLynx User Interaction & LapTime Events

When a FinishLynx operator interacts with the application to scroll through an image, move the hash-line, or enter data into the Results Zone for example, FinishLynx uses the computer’s memory (RAM) to store the new IdentiLynx image until the user action is completed.

The percentage of allocated memory currently used is displayed at the bottom right, in the Status Zone. If the buffer reaches 100%, then any new image is lost because there is nowhere to store it.

In addition, a combination of many LapTime events and a long results list can cause FinishLynx to spend a lot of time re-sorting and re-drawing the results area leading to a full buffer.

Status Zone
FinishLynx Status Zone


Buffer Size

FinishLynx buffer cache size

The size of the buffer, the available amount of data that FinishLynx will reserve in memory (RAM) for IdentiLynx cameras, is defined by the following Other Setting:

  • Hardware\Ethernet\IdentiLynx\CacheSize

What Size?

The allowable CacheSize is controlled and limited by Windows when allocating memory (RAM).

  • Recommended value: 100MB (100000000 bytes)
  • Max value: 500MB (500000000 bytes)

NOTE: If the value is too high and Windows does not allow FinishLynx to use the configured CacheSize value, the IdentiLynx camera will fail to boot and will not appear in the Hardware Control window.

To change the Hardware\Ethernet\IdentiLynx\CacheSize:

  1. Hold CtrlShift and click File | Options
  2. Expand Hardware
  3. Expand Ethernet
  4. Expand IdentiLynx
  5. Select CacheSize
  6. Enter the number of bytes

Limit User Interaction

Another way to reduce the risk of losing image frames for any camera is to be conscious of the impact of specific operations on how FinishLynx deals with new image.

For example, avoiding or limiting the following actions will help:

  • Holding mouse buttons to use scroll bars or move the hash line.
  • Clicking a cell in the Results Zone to edit text.

Reduce the Leader and Trailer

The Leader and Trailer value in the Camera Settings of IdentiLynx cameras adds a number of frames at the beginning and end of each time image is captured. By reducing this value, you reduce the amount of data being requested by the camera. Less data means less chances for the buffer to fill during user interactions.

EtherLynx Cameras

EtherLynx cameras also have available buffer to store new images, but this memory is located in the camera itself. The amount is fixed and varies per camera model.

Additional Resources

  1. Contact Technical Support 
  2. FinishLynx Online Help Manual – IdentiLynx
  3. Basic IdentiLynx Setup Video


Lynx Year-End Review – 2017 Milestones

This has been an exciting year at Lynx System Developers. As the holiday season rolls in, we wanted to take a look back to reflect on some highlights from 2017. 

FinishLynx 1.0 software screenshot
Screenshot of the FinishLynx software version 1.0 from 1992

03/2017 | Celebrated 25th Anniversary — On March 24, 2017, Lynx celebrated 25 years since it was first incorporated in 1992. What began as a grad school project has since grown into a world-class brand. With innovation and dedication, Lynx technology changed the landscape of race timing. The fascinating story of Lynx can be found on our blog where you can learn about the first camera prototype, and the journey that led to today’s success. We look forward to many years to come. 

03/2017 | FinishLynx Online Help Manual — With software that is constantly being updated, we needed to find an efficient way to also provide documentation that stays up-to-date. Our solution was to build the online FinishLynx Help Manual. Months of work and many changes went into designing and building what is now a searchable, up-to-date, and mobile-friendly version of our software manual. 

HoloLynx Display

04/2017 | April Fools Products — April Fools is a day that we get to explore our creative sides each year trying to design the next joke Lynx products to add to our April Fools Catalog. This year’s products included the HoloLynx Virtual Display Board and the High-Tech Disposable Camera Covers (not to be confused with regular trash bags :) ). 

06/2017 | FinishLynx Timers Facebook Group — We know there is a lot of FinishLynx technical information out there and many different timing setups. We wanted to create a way to connect fellow FinishLynx operators to compare configurations, ask questions, and have access directly to Lynx Technical Support. Since its inception in July, the group has grown to 326 members (still growing weekly), and there have been 31 posts made with 119 comments on those posts. We really appreciate the support that the timing community provides to one another and hope this continues into the next year. 

06/2017 | New Tech Support  We welcomed Dave Dantino to the Lynx Technical Support team this past summer. 

11/2017 | FSB Cologne  Every other year, three Lynx employees attend the international conference in Cologne, Germany. This conference is always highly anticipated as it’s a wonderful opportunity to network and engage with international partners and customers in person. 

12/2017 | National Athletic Directors Conference This year’s conference was held in Phoenix, AZ where more than 1,800 attendees graced the halls of the Phoenix Convention Center. This conference is always a great opportunity to meet customers face-to-face and answer any questions that those unfamiliar with Lynx may have.

12/2017 | IdentiLynx XR+ — Released the next generation of IdentiLynx cameras. This camera includes higher image resolution, variable frame rates, and more capture modes than previous versions. There is also a P-Iris motorized lens so the Zoom and Focus can be adjusted remotely within the FinishLynx software. 

Released two new software updates | As of December 2017, FinishLynx v. 10.04 is the latest version of the software. See some of the main features below:

12/2017 | Lynx Holiday Luncheon — This year’s Lynx holiday party was held at Board & Brush in Amesbury, MA where employees were able to challenge their creative sides and make homemade gifts/home decorations while enjoying lunch together. 

Produced and released 7 new support videos/tutorials:

Published 16 new blog posts, with an increased focus on diving deeper into technical support issues. In the next year, we’re looking to continue this trend and welcome any feedback or suggestions for common support issues that could benefit from a more in-depth explanation. 

  • Highlights: Vision Camera Instant Upgrade Codes, DIY Remote Positioner Motor Repair, IdentiLynx Troubleshooting

Looking Forward

We at Lynx are always working to improve. Whether it’s releasing new software updates, producing tech support tutorial videos, or introducing new technology, there is always room to grow. In 2018, we will continue releasing new content, tools, and updates to enhance the FinishLynx experience. That includes new videos, QSGs, tips and tricks, and blog posts. We also hope to grow the Facebook FinishLynx Timers community to 1000 members so timers can connect and collaborate in real time. We’d also love to hear any ideas you have for videos, web content, or FAQs that could be beneficial to the timing community. If you have any suggestions, you can reach the marketing team directly by sending us an email

Thank you to the FinishLynx community for another fantastic year.

Happy New Year and see you in 2018!

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YouTube: Lynx YouTube Channel