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FinishLynx Sports Timers Facebook Group

New Support Resource: FinishLynx Sports Timers Facebook Group

We’ve created a new Facebook group for the purpose of giving FinishLynx operators a space to post questions, advice, and event photos/setups. We hope that timers can use this group as a collaborative forum to find answers and share insights that other FinishLynx timers may not have heard or experienced before. We also have two members of FinishLynx tech. support, Paul and Dave, in the group who can help answer more complex problems or point you towards support documents/videos on our main site. 

The goal of the new Facebook group is not to take the place of existing timers’ groups, but to provide access to more specialized FinishLynx technology, networking, and support discussions. We understand that there is a lot of information out there, so we wanted to create a place to post a question or topic of discussion and receive a response quickly. This group can also be used to find local FinishLynx timers near you. 

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FinishLynx Sports Timers

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