Regional Training Seminars for High School Track & Field Timers
Enhance Your Timing Skills at a Regional Training Seminar
Potential Dates | Weekends during the summer of 2014 |
Potential Locations | Cities with major airport hubs (ATL, CHI, CLT, SF, DFW, DEN, etc.) |
Potential Costs | TBD |
Learn More | Click to submit the training interest survey now. |
Lynx has been providing training seminars for many years—supporting new customers across a number of countries, sports, and venues. We’re proud to say that Lynx timing systems are currently trusted by over 1,500 high school track programs across the country. You and your school are part of a large and diverse network of sports timers. Now we want to help you tap into that network and bring your Lynx timing skills to the next level. We’re exploring the idea of expanding our training program even further by offering group training sessions for US track & field customers.
The idea under consideration is to organize regional training seminars in several major cities throughout the United States during the summer months. Lynx normally offers 2-day, on-site training sessions for schools and organizations for $2,795 (for training, travel, & hotel costs). But by organizing larger group events with several schools in your region, we can make the training sessions more social and significantly more affordable for everyone involved. If there is sufficient interest in these seminars, we will try and organize some pilot sessions this year, with a view to developing the program in the future if it is successful.
Why Join a Regional Training Seminar?

We understand how busy coaches and athletic directors can be. We also know that you want to maximize your investment in the Lynx FAT system. The key to that is training your operator or operators on the Lynx hardware and software, so that you are making the most of your people, and your FAT system, at the meets that you host. Our goal is to help you enhance your timing and results skills, so you can become an even better timer, coach, and meet manager. We believe this will enable your track program to train even better student operators/parent volunteers or staff members for next season. Make your investment pay off for years to come.
Submit the Training Interest Survey Now
What Happens at a Training Seminar?
Lynx training seminars will cover a variety of timing and results tutorials tailored especially for high school track & field meets. Some general topics may include:
- Timing System Setup
- Camera Alignment & Focus
- Network & Computer Sharing
- Results Captures & Athlete ID
- Meet Management Database Integration
- Adding Scoreboards, Clocks, & Wind Gauges
- Troubleshooting & Support
- Hands-On Timing Demos
- Small-Group Demos & Exercises
- Simulated Track Meet Experience
Sample 2-Day Training Seminar Schedule

Submit the Training Interest Survey Now
If you’re having trouble filling out the survey, please email marketing (at) finishlynx.com with details about your school, interests, and ideal training locations.