Plugin: Lynx Data Port (LDP)
The Lynx Data Port (LDP) Plug-In is the latest addition to the FinishLynx plug-in family and gives a new solution for remote applications to access FinishLynx event data over the network. LDP is meant for programmers that have specific objectives such as streaming image frames or analyzing it using AI technology.
If you are interested in knowing more about the Lynx Data Port (LDP) Plug-In, contact Tech Support.
  Category: Software Plug-ins
The Lynx Data Port (LDP) Plug-in offers a solution for remote applications to access FinishLynx event data over the network. LDP is meant for programmers that have specific objectives such as streaming image frames or analyzing them using AI technology. It can also be used to poll FinishLynx for the event status, giving information on camera connectivity, or GPS state, for example. If you’re interested in knowing more about the Lynx Data Port (LDP) Plug-in, review the LDP protocol and manual documents, or contact Tech Support.