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Portable-VDM is an integrated display solution that combines ResulTV-VDM* running on a battery-powered Windows Mini-PC in a weatherproof connection box.
Sku: PortVDM   Category: Uncategorized, Product Accessories

Portable-VDM can be connected to your Ethernet or WiFi network to receive data from FinishLynx, FieldLynx, or LynxPad, and display graphics on your Lynx Video Display via the HDMI output. This option is a convenient solution to connect a Lynx Video Display (Portable, Infield, 360) for those who don’t have a Vision camera and cannot use the VDM upgrade, or for those who want more flexibility to decide on the location of their LED video displays for track or for field events. Resolution is limited to the size of the display purchased with the solution.

Portable-VDM Components

  • Windows Mini-PC
  • Weatherproof Connection Box
  • Rechargeable Battery & AC/DC Charger
  • ResulTV-VDM Software

ScorePlus Portable-VDM

ScorePlus App

ScorePlus is a simple browser-based application that allows users to utilize their LED Video display for team sports such as football, soccer, and basketball. It is only available as part of Portable-VDM.


*ResulTV-VDM is a simplified version of ResulTV. Like the VDM option for Vision-series cameras, the content of the ResulTV-VDM layout is controlled by the data received. The source applications (FinishLynx, FieldLynx, FieldLynx Lite or LynxPad) come standard with pre-defined and customizable scoreboards scripts to create modern and eye-catching layouts for all types of events.

Portable-VDM Documentation
NameFile Size
Portable-VDM Datasheet188 KBDownload
QSG - Portable-VDM with ScorePlus169 KBDownload
Lynx LED Display Options412 KBDownload