Need a more complete solution to time your Cross Country races? You’re not alone! With so much happening around the finish line, it can be tough to simultaneously identify competitors, provide accurate times and finish order, AND link every athlete with their respective finish times. Thankfully, Lynx offers a harmonious solution to the obstacles of Cross Country timing: our FinishLynx Triad of Products.
What is included in our Triad of Products? Glad you asked. It combines three popular digital products to improve the speed and accuracy of capturing meet results. Lynx makes Cross Country timing simple by integrating photo-finish, video, and RFID Chip Results into a single interface:

The finish line can be a confusing place at Cross Country meets due to the high volume of finishers crossing at the same time. Athletes can finish fractions of a second apart, and accurate team scores often depend on individual results. This is why fast and accurate identification (AKA our Triad!) is crucial for ANY Cross Country meet!
By linking three complimentary products together, FinishLynx is well equipped to take on the challenges of Cross Country timing. We have created a powerful solution much greater than each of the three systems working independently. By integrating real-time tracking, timing, and visual verification into an intuitive interface, we provide our customers with everything they need for accurate and reliable results at Cross Country meets.
See the GIF below to understand how easy it is to evaluate races with FinishLynx:

Like what you see? Contact us today to receive a quote on a Cross Country timing package!